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Il vizio di famiglia

Those beautiful families of the past, bourgeois and respectable, at the centre of a good old-fashioned film. Well, not a masterpiece, but a simple Italian erotic comedy, in which everything goes well. Pleasantly.
Mariano Laurenti is the leader of a tested and safe super cast, which incredibly, in some cases, takes new road. For example, we have Gigi Ballista, a paraplegic industrialist, who speaks with a Venetian accent and Renzo Montagnani, not as asshole and asshole as always, but in the role of a waiter who pretends to be gay.
With them apart from Roberto Cenci, Enzo Andronico and Gastone Pescucci, other males of the film, there is a battery of prominent women, exploited to the best of their ability.
But let's proceed calmly. "The vice of the family" is set in the microcosm of a wealthy family from the north, in which Giosuè Buzzacaroni (Ballista) industrialist of pasta, is in poor health, even if he continues to happily palpate his wife Ines (Ines Navarro, who signed Susan Scott), revealing certain desires. Her sister Magda (Juliette Mayniel) hires the swindler Giacomo (Renzo Montagnani) as a waiter with the aim of going to bed with her sister-in-law, putting her in a bad light and have all the heritage.
Therefore, the whole plot revolves around the legacy, with the two women fighting openly, waiting for the death of the old man. However, in this fight enters the young nephew Marco (Roberto Cenci), the old man's daughter, played by Edwige Fenech, who one day arrives in the villa by surprise, Giacomo himself and finally Marisa, a maid played by Orchidea De Santis, engaged with Giacomo.
Erotic traps and various tricks to bring down the opponent and catch the legacy. But a twist sees Marisa, the latest arrival, with her Giacomo alongside, the winner of the war.

Not everything is going well and the film slip sometime in the (too much) trash, especially in the long scenes at the sea, and the end risks being too long. However most of the time the game works, the story goes smoothly giving us also interesting erotic moments, which certainly can never be missing. In addition to Nieves Navarro often naked, there is Edwige Fenech who exalts the audience, in a topless in the garden and then asks to be wetting with a water pump by the young Marco, in a scene that is not a double meaning. No. It's a one way.
Orchidea De Santis, beautiful as always, completes the picture of a film that is not bad for its genre.