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Montecarlo Gran Casinò

Pure Vanzina’s and 80's style at its maximum. "Montecarlo Gran Casino", offers the well-known formulas of more comedians are in, better is. So we find a rather large list of popular comedians accompanied by beautiful actresses. All struggling with a series of sketches in full eighties style, which shoot high on the status symbols. A sort of continuation of "Yuppie – I giovani di successo" and "Via Montenapoleone", the umpteenth moment, in short, of celebrations of  Italian 80s, the politician Bettino Craxi, transferred however in Montecarlo, where the gamble fever strikes some Italians.
Vanzina plays it safe, does not worry much in looking for narrative intersections, leaving the stories in parallel with a last choral scene, of pure chaos, using as link only an excellent and elegant Philippe Leroy.
Nothing particular or memorable and I also add my hatred for the eighties and the low esteem for Boldi, Greggio and De Sica (all protagonists here), but I must recognize that "Montecarlo Gran Casino", in its trash and its easy gags and often seen, it has something more than other movies of the same genre.
It will be that the Vanzina bring together new couples, such as Massimo Boldi and Enrico Beruschi and Paolo Rossi and Ezio Greggio, or that leave room for his actors to express themselves at their best, especially to De Sica who dance. Or even the fact that everyone loads his characters but without exaggerating as they often have.
Of course Boldi does nothing else that play Boldi " with his boring catchphrases, as well as Greggio who is incapable to say any lines in a credible, disappearing in comparison of Paolo Rossi, in the second and last Vanzina’s movies, who, among other things he plays at his minimum.
Then there is Guido Nicheli, with a part (always the same), but larger than usual. The women, on the other hand, are beautiful but they are mere shoulders, starting from Lisa Stothard, to move to the rustic Lucia Stara and ending with Florence Guérin and Clara Colosimo who instead have a slightly more large part than their colleagues. For the record, Florence Guérin is the one who gives the male audience the best moments. Room also for famous shoulder like Renzo Ozzano and in a small part the great Mario Brega.
Three stories that take place in that of Montecarlo, I said. De Sica after winning a lot of money lives a great life. However following a rigged backgammon match with Philippe Leroy, he loses everything, is left by his fiancée and finds himself having to settle for an old fat woman (Clara Colosimo) to pay his debts.
Oscar (Greggio) is a very mediocre swindler also left by his girlfriend Patrizia (Lisa Stothard), who begins a relationship with Baron (Philippe Leroy), another, but good, swindler. In San Remo, Greggio, finds Paolo (Paolo Rossi), an electrician skilled cards player and with whom he tries to take revenge on the Baron. Finally, Enrico Beruschi and Massimo Boldi two restaurateurs who go to Montecarlo to buy accommodation. The second, however, gets caught up in the game and especially by Silvia (Florence Guérin), who squanders all the money. The two, in league with Silvia, try to steal a necklace from the wealthy Ambrogio Colombo (Guido Nicheli).
Christmas movie of1987, a Cinepanettone with the usual interviews in which director, author, producer and performers put their hands forward and defend the genre. Interesting the comment by Paolo Rossi that we remember for another in an interview with "La Stampa" in 2009 he said " Beware of this national popular I made about ten films, almost all "alternative" ones, but the ones in which I acted best were the Vanzina’s films ".