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Coming 2 America
Already reading the title, Simon Reynolds' book "Retromania" comes to mind, which yes, it was mostly about music, but which explained our obsession with repurposing (let's say recycling) the past.
In fact, this rule also applies to cinema and, "Coming 2 America" is the last and boring example.
There is no John Landis, replaced by Craig and the good Eddie gathers all the protagonists of the 1988 cult, with the exception of Samuel L. Jackson , engaged in other projects but with the addition of Wesley Snipes and a brief cameo from Morgan Freeman. Alongside these old lions, new faces in comedy and music, cameos by famous artists and Bella Murphy, one of Eddie's daughters.
This is enough to understand how much “Retromania” there is in this sequel, which is nothing more than a tribute to the 1988 film, from which, in addition to the cast and characters, it takes the same dynamics and the same comedy style. It is easy to understand that "Coming 2 America" has little bite and few surprises starting from its comic boss, a dull and not very incisive Murphy.
This is a comedy that does not make you laugh, which arouses in the viewer only a curious reaction in seeing how the protagonists of the past are looking now.
With a great display of more or less credible CGI, Brewer's film produced by Murphy himself aims at families by adding romantic nuances and tells the story of Prince Akeem's bastard son, with the first becoming King upon his father's death. However there is a problem because Akeem and the beloved Queen Lisa have only daughters, who, according to the laws of Zamunda, cannot ascend the throne.
The court magician, however, has a vision in which he sees a son Akeem allegedly had during his trip to Queens. Having recovered the heir who works as a scalper by trade, the pattern already seen in the first film starts again: with the young man who is looking for true love and does not want to give up his roots. Murphy, as always, covers several roles, also dusting off the cheerful gang of the barber and quoting the ever-eternal Duke & Duke in one scene.
Happy ending with joie de vivre and there are also bloopers in the credits. An apotheosis of retro-mania.
Ya leyendo el título, viene a la mente el libro "Retromania" de Simon Reynolds, que sí, era principalmente sobre música, pero que explicaba nuestra obsesión por reutilizar (digamos reciclar) el pasado.