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El barón Brakola
The great return of the vampires among the enemies of El Santo. Indeed, a vampire. A certain Brakola, who must be related in some way to that other. The count. With all due respect to Stoker's descendants. It should also be said that unlike the count's charm, the baron has a make-up that makes him look a bit "funny".
The plot is always the same, obviously, but here we see the ancestor of our hero, Caballero Enmascarado de la Plata, who lived in 1765 already an enemy of Brakola. We also see the "promotion" of the ubiquitous Fernando Osés becoming the number one villain.
Between “historical” flashbacks and the usual dynamics, El Santo fights hard, more than in other past episodes, which makes this film very interesting, not to mention that Brakola is also a very good luchador.
The very poor production, however, knocks down the ambitions of José Díaz Morales, whom we have already found and will find again as director, but he takes a lot of effort and all in all passes the test.

Brakola in 1765 wants to marry Rebecca, but her parents deny him permission. So the baron does like all vampires, he visits the girl at night and makes her become a very bad vampire, who is eventually killed by Caballero Enmascarado de la Plata, who, however, fails to kill the Baron.

Among mummies, mice and cobwebs, Baron Brakola wakes up about two hundred years later and immediately goes to open the coffin of his beloved Rebecca. But the girl was finally killed by the aforementioned ancestor of El Santo. And Brakola, swears revenge and attacks him after a lucha libre match. What follows and above all the epilogue are easy to imagine and create yet another beautiful adventure of that great hero of El Santo.