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Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter
No offence to Horst Janson, who of course I imagine follows me, but for me, he does not have the physique du role of the charming and fearless hero. Apart from this flaw, we find here Caroline Munro, who, on the other hand, has everything that the beautiful and intelligent hero should have and even delights us in a sexy scene. A rarity in her career. The film itself also has everything needed for interesting entertainment. Actually, it has even more, because we have a mixture of adventure and vampires, which is not bad at all.
Hammer, now almost in its twilight years, tries to turn the tables and the proposal is original although perhaps less mischievous than in the past. In fact, this film directed by Brian Clemens, better known as an author than as a director (in fact, this is the only film he directs) was supposed to open a new strand that in fact never came to fruition. What a pity.
Also because in addition to the new story, as always, the British production company takes care of the details with maniacal elegance, creating a very enjoyable setting.

With a K on his cape, so much so that some mistake him for a king, Captain Kronos goes to help Dr. Marcus, because strange things happen in the latter's village. Like young girls who find themselves suddenly aged. Kronos with his hunchbacked helper Hieronymus Grost (John Cater) finds Carla (Caroline Munro) on the road, a beautiful girl condemned to the stocks for dancing on a Saturday. They free her, she joins them, helps them in their mission and becomes Kronos's lover. Apart from that, the vampire in this film is one who sucks the lifeblood, the youth, out of his victims. It is up to the three to defeat him and discover the true identity behind this mystery.