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La Puritana

If the opening of this film, with a scorpion and a boob on display, already makes one fly, the first few minutes with the 'harrowing' death of a certain Gabriele, a junkie, robber, forced to house arrest in hospital, assisted by Annabella (Margit Newton) and a doctor played by Helmuth Berger, takes us into hyperspace.
Unhinged, not very in part the trio opens what for some is the high point of Ninì Grassia's erotic filmography. It is a dramatic film that occasionally tries to be serious, but prefers to show us that here they fuck , on a subtle plot thread that also embraces political corruption just a few years before Mani Pulite. But above all, it is a story that would have appealed to Grindhouse cinema.
Because in the end 'La Puritana' tells of Annabella an explosive Margit Newton, unfortunately little known, who takes on the tape confessions of the aforementioned Gabriele.
The boy tells her how shady individuals from the town where he lives have ruined his life and that of his mother. And so the blonde takes her revenge, sleeping with all of them. The mayor, the doctor, the pharmacist, a baron and his daughter and the priest, who are then killed in various ways after the deed.
Certainly the best one remains the baron, fucked to death, dies of a heart attack without any heart attack. Or at least without playing it decently.
In the end 'Puritan' lacks that crazy touch that could have made it a great B-movie, remaining a badly made and at times boring film, but one that at least has a great leading lady.