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Senza Scrupoli
James Senese and Joe Amoruso sign the soundtrack. Giulio Albonico takes care of excellent cinematography. Sandra Wey, the protagonist, is certainly a sight to behold. If this were enough to make a good film, we would talk about a masterpiece. The problem is that in 'Senza Scrupoli' they forget to put a story that has the slightest sense.
A lady (Sandra Wey precisely) from the Turin bourgeoisie who lives in a villa on the hills, left alone at home because her husband has gone to the stadium, is attacked in her house by a robber with a strong Neapolitan accent who shows up wearing a carnival mask. Not content with the loot, he rapes the woman.
The victim's husband and also the police try to dissuade the woman from reporting the incident and she is actually excited by what has happened to her. She tracks down the aggressor, starts a sex affair and also ends up in the man's shady business. In the most classic and banal of erotic developments.
Toni Valerii best known for spaghetti westerns creates a film that would have appealed to the member of Lega Nord party who hated the people of south italy. The Neapolitan robber, who lives off the underworld of the south, but also a bored and boring bourgeoisie.

Sandra Wey, who was cast a year earlier in Histoire d'O No. 2, as already mentioned, is certainly a good-looking character who hides nothing. But, from an acting point of view, she spends the entire film with a disconcerting calmness on a par with co-stars Marzio Honorato and Antonio Marsina, who, by the way, can boast a far more important CV.
In the banalities of this erotic film, however, there is no lack of scult scenes. Such as the amateur stripper 'contest' that takes place in some bad place among bored housewives and old pigs who then incite the protagonist with an 'Alè, alè bella bigioia', which for those who don't know, in Piedmontese means 'pussy'.