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We do not know if we are possessed or inquisitors. Because about this movie
we have to say different things from other blogs and at the same time we accusing it in the public square. Bolivia's first film we have the honor to review, "Maleficarum" gets quite good reviews on other sites. We are not clones of Ebert and our opinion is good as the others, but we  say negative things about a film whose vision for us is a Torquemada's torture.

"Maleficarum" i takes its title from the "Malleus Maleficarum" a book written in 1487 by the monks Jacob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer Institor, and long considered the best handbook on witches, a sort of bestseller on the genre, that must have impressed the minds of many inquisitors. It's therefore easy to understand the theme of this 2011's movi: the Inquisition, witches, and "almost fanatical devotion to the Pope," as
Monty Python say in their famous sketch. A theme beloved by many decades as we know from the world of cinema. So "Maleficarum" is a variant on the subject, that has naked women, torture and  special effects. It spare instead on a plot that hasn't much event a part whipped women and the human wickedness of various types.

Just under 150 'of film, which has as its object only the story of two women being tried by an Inquisitor. He angry for a fail donation imprison and torture, a widow and a Lutheran, two women lovers who living under the same roof. Among witnesses very defamatory of the villagers, there are large moments of violence. Moments in which the silence is broken only by the blows of the whip and the cries of the women that are completely naked, hanging,  turn on the heat and finally (finally, just because we are at the end of the film) sent to the stake.

A flat story, very voyeuristic, that perhaps satisfied lovers of bondage. maybe. A film very long already that doesn't miss a story and a very linear direction and poor acting. And above all there are the special effects. The special effects, constituted by ideas rather than craft and a very poor use of CGI. The top is reached in the most important scene in which there is an unlit torch that should light a pyre, whose digital fire then, appears and disappears depending on the scene.

Jac Avila is the director, a director  internationally
appreciated famous for the critically acclaimed film "Krik? Krak! Tales Of A Nightmare "a sort of documentary fiction mixed about the Haitian dictator Duvalier. Actor, producer, cinematographer, swap roles with the protagonist of this film Amy Hesketh, who employs him as an actor (and producer) in her "Le Marquis De La Croix".


Original title: Maleficarum

Country: Bolivia

Year: 2011

Directed by: Jac Avila

Cast: Amy Hesketh, Mila Joya, Roberto Lopez, Alejandro Loyaza, Calancha Erik, Erik Antoine

Production Company: Pachamama Films