Six Swedes at Pump
The six "Swedish" with purple shirt, miniskirt and no underwear
(it’s the rule), proudly return to the headlines of the town
after they graduate in the college of "Sechs Schwedinnen Im Pensionat."
They find a work only a year later (lucky!) in a gas station with a
restaurant in a small town in Switzerland. The restaurant for the
record is located in Avegno Gordevio, Canton Ticino, a town that
probably is the set of the outside broadcast and the gas station only
serves to move the plot. That is we have the most banal double
meanings, the easiest situations to create opportunities for soft-core.
Our heroines are in fact very proud of their sexual freedom and use,
the service station to meet lucky travelers who stop for gasoline. The
fuel pump that enters the tank, the liquid that comes out is a clear
metaphor and symbol of the movies, which certainly we don’t have
to explain.
"Sechs Schwedinnen Von Der Tankstelle" adds another parallel story, the
wife of the mayor who tries to convince her husband to expels the girls
because she annoyed by their customs. It's just envy and especially
afraid of competition. She's very beautiful and libertine and has
several affairs with the councilors who have sex with her arriving late
to meetings, creating the catchphrase of the film.
The good Erwin C.Dietrich creates a cheerful comedy soft-core,
which has no great pretensions technical or narrative, shifting to the
absurdity the story of this six "Swedish" (quotation marks are
necessary because none of the actress are Swedish or Scandinavian).
There is no doubt, "Sechs Schwedinnen Von Der Tankstelle" is more
absurd than its predecessor, because you will agree with us that put
six girls in college and then strip them and see them at work can have
its own logic, but putting them in a gas station with restaurant/pub
and then strip them and see them in action is a little absurd.
Despite the absence of a great history, there is to say that the girls
are very beautiful. The usual amazing Brigitte Lahaie driving a battery
of girls composed by Jane Baker (the mayor's wife), Nadine Pascal and
France Lomay and for the male we have Eric Falk, Roman Huber and Karl
Gisling (saw always in this serie) all interpreters of the European
erotic cinema.
It should also be pointed out that some jokes are funny, like the
catchphrase of the late councilors and especially the erotic television
precursor in a sense of smart TV, even if the idea of Dietrich is still
a lot more beyond than the reality.
That crazy Swiss director manages once again to create a product quite
useless but fun, with nice music and lots of naked girls.
Original title: Sechs Schewdinnen Von Der Tankstelle
Alternative Titles: Swedish Sex Service (Australia), 6 en Suecas a
gasolinera (Spain), Filles sans voile, à la Six Suédoises
pumps (France), High Test Girls (USA) Friendly Favors, Six Swedes at a
Pump, Swedish Erotic Sexations, Swedish Gas Pump Girls (International)
Country: Switzerland
Year: 1980
Director: Erwin C.Dietrich
Cast: Brigitte Lahaie, Jane Baker, Nadine Pascal, France Lomay, Eric
Falk, Flore Sollier, Karl Gysling, Roman Huber, Barbara Moose, Elodie
Production Company: Elite
Duration: 81 '