made with

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Let Her Out

I don’t remember the details but so many years ago a great aunt told about a relative or friend, who knows, who performed in the first half of the last century as a freak, because he had his twin brother inside. I do not know if the story was true, but it had a huge impact so much that I remember it, more or less still today, despite she told it over thirty years ago
So the story of this film has a special place in my imagination, it strikes in short, though it is a theme saw so many times that it is useless to cite sources of inspiration and similar works. The little originality is the main lack of this "Let Her Out" directed by Cody Calahan, co-owner of "Black Fawn Films", the Canadian company we've already seen behind "Bite". We must recognize that “Black Fawn Films” works with great effort trying to make the best product, using the budget at maximum of its possibilities.
“Let Her Out” is an aesthetically pleasing film with some evocative scenes and many other really though, which gives the best in the incipit and the ending, but in the midst has a predictable story, also killed by a title too clear (not to mention the poster). What should happen in a story called "Let Her Out"? Who should go out? Easy, too easy, considering also that the Helen's mother (Helen is the protagonist played by Alanna LeVierge) is raped and then commits suicide, leaving her daughter the doubt of being "mad" like her.
All in the first minutes. Helen grows beautiful and clever and everything seems to be good at least until an accident ends her in a coma. Once healed, she begins to suffer from nightmares and hallucinations. Medical examinations show that she has, technically speaking, a tumor that is actually her twin who was embedded during pregnancy.
And so, useless to say, this presence is felt more and more, leaving a trail of deaths, hallucinations and ruined relationships that sublimate in an excellent ending.
Calahan shot well and also photography is good, in a film that certainly does not hide a passion for the Asian horror.